.. module:: meep_adjoint *********************************************************************************** :obj:`meep_adjoint`: A python package for adjoint sensitivity analysis in MEEP *********************************************************************************** This is the root of the documentation tree for :obj:`meep_adjoint`. Jump directly to the package-wide :ref:`TableOfContents` below, or read on for a quick-start summary. ============================ What does this package do? ============================ You'll find a longer answer in the :doc:`Overview ` (and a more succinct one in the :doc:`API Reference `), but, in a nutshell: It extends the computational capabilities of the core |meep| solver in a particular way that facilitates interaction with `numerical optimization algorithms`_, opening the door to intelligent design tools that automatically design devices to meet given performance specifications. .. admonition:: Wait, *what* exactly does the package do again? If that was a bit vague, we can be more specific about precisely what :obj:`meep_adjoint` does. Consider a typical design problem in which we seek to tune a device geometry to optimize some performance metric. For example, in the :doc:`right-angle router ` example in the :obj:`meep_adjoint` :doc:`example gallery `, we are designing a four-waveguide interconnect for an optical network, and our goal is to choose the permittivity distribution :math:`\epsilon(\mathbf{x})` in the junction region to steer incoming optical signals arriving on the **West** port around a 90-degree bend to the **North** port, ideally with zero leakage power emitted from the **South** and **East** ports: **Mathematical formulation of design-optimization problems** To formulate this problem mathematically so we can hand it off to a numerical optimizer, we might begin by expressing the unknown design function as an expansion in some convenient finite set of basis functions: .. math:: \epsilon(\mathbf x)\approx\sum_{d=1}^D \beta_d b_d(\mathbf x) Then each possible design configuration corresponds to a :math:`D`-dimensional vector of coefficient values :math:`\boldsymbol{\beta}=\{\beta_1,\cdots,\beta_D\}`, while the metric defining the performance of a design---the quantity we are trying to optimize---is a (real-valued, scalar) function of a vector-valued argument, the *objective function* :math:`f^\text{obj}(\boldsymbol{\beta}).` For the right-angle router with fixed input power entering the **West** port, we could define our objective to be simply to maximize output power from the **North** port, i.e. .. math:: f^\text{obj}(\boldsymbol{\beta}) = S_\text{North} \tag{1} where :math:`S_\text{North}` denotes the outgoing power flux (integral of normal Poynting vector) through the **North** flux monitor. Alternatively, assuming the input power is delivered in its entirety by a single mode---call it mode :math:`m`--- of the **West** waveguide (as would be the case if we excited our FDTD simulations with an |MeepEigenmodeSource| tuned to mode :math:`m`), we could optimize for maximal output power carried by mode :math:`m` of the **North** waveguide, or equivalently for maximal magnitude of the forward-traveling b`mode-expansion coefficient`_ evaluated at the **North** flux monitor, in which case we would instead have .. math:: f^\text{obj}(\boldsymbol{\beta}) = |P^m_\text{North}|^2 \tag{2} where :py:`P^m_\text{North}` denotes the coefficient of the `math`:$m$th forward-traveling waveguide mode at the **North** flux monitor. (The use of symbols :math:`S` and :math:`P^m` respectively for Poynting flux and forward-traveling mode-expansion coefficient is part of the `meep_adjoint` rules for labeling objective quantities.) **Mathematical formulation of design-optimization problems** For our in the router problem a real-valued scalar device given by a and we can picture the process of device optimization as a journey through a :math:`D`-dimensional space in search of the magical point :math:`\boldsymbol{\beta}_*` at which single point moving through a location. To the performance of a location. To the performance of a For a or equivalently to a :math:`D`-dimensional vector :math:`{\boldsymbol{\beta}}`, ranges values of the :math:`D` coefficients evice design is specified by the :math:`D`-dimensional vector of numbers :math:`\boldsymbol{\beta}` \sum_{d=1}^D \beta_d b_d(\mathbf x) Then, for given fixed values of the input power, operating frequency, and other parameters, the design metric we are trying to optimize---that is, our *objective function* :math:`f^\text{obj}`---may be thought of as a function of the :math:`D`-dimensional vector of expansion coefficients :math:`\boldsymbol{\beta}`, i.e. .. math:: f^\text{obj}(\boldsymbol{\beta}) =\text{power output from \textbf{North} port} \equiv S_{\text{North}} There's just one problem, which perhaps already occurred to you if you have any experience with high-dimensional optimization: and asks for the optimal Then, for given fixed values of the input power, operating frequency, and other parameters, the ia the **West** input waveguide port ^\text{design}(\mathbf x)\approx \sum_{d=1}^D \beta_d b_d(\mathbf x) Then, for given fixed values of the input power, operating frequency, and other parameters, the ^\text{design}(\mathbf x)\approx \sum_{d=1}^D \beta_d b_d(\mathbf x) Then, for given fixed values of the input power, operating frequency, and other parameters, the ia the **West** input waveguide port to the **North** output wav Here :math:`\epsilon(x)` .. math:: \epsilon(\mathbf x)=\sum \beta_d b_d(\mathbf x) Now suppose some region of the material geometry is free to be tweaked you're a device designer tasked with maximizing some performance metric $f$ expressed as a function of these output quantities---for example, we might put :math:`f=S_2(\omega_3)` to maximize flux through the 2nda flux region at the 3rd frequency, or :math:`f = (S_1(\omega_3) - S_2(\omega_3))^2` to maximize the *difference* between two fluxes, etc. .. admonition:: The scope of :program:`meep_adjoint` **Q.** Does this mean that the package *only* computes objective-function gradients? That is, it doesn't actually do any optimization? **A.** The *primary* mission of :obj:`meep_adjoint` is to compute objective-function gradients. This is the task the package guarantees to execute efficiently and accurately, and it's one that's self-contained, unambiguous, and easily *testable.* [#]_ The larger question of how best to *use* gradient information for design automation---which involves questions such as which of the `myriad available gradient-based optimization algorithms`_ to use, and how to configure its tunable parameters---is officially beyond the purview of :obj:`meep_adjoint`, and indeed is much too broad a problem to be treated with anything approaching comprehensiveness by any single package. We hope :obj:`meep_adjoint` will be helpful to :obj:`meep` users as they navigate this vast domain. **With all of that by way of disclaimer,** however, we note that :obj:`meep_adjoint` does ship with one (rather simple-minded) implementation of an optimization algorithm---namely, a :doc:`basic gradient-descent solver.` Per the discussion above, we make no claim as to the robustness or efficiency of this solver, and we encourage users to consider it a first step in the process of optimizing any geometry, to be replaced by more sophisticated solvers as necessary; but, having said that, we note that the simple built-in optimizer suffices to yield good results on all the problems considered in the :doc:`example gallery `. ======================================= What does a typical workflow look like? ======================================= You'll find a full step-by-step walkthrough in the :doc:`Tutorial ` and additional guided case studies in the :doc:`Example gallery `, but here is a quick rundown: 1) *Initialization and Problem Definition:* You begin by creating an instance of :class:`optimization_problem` This is the top-level python class exported by :obj:`meep_adjoint`, analogous to the |simulation| class in the core |pymeep|; it stores all data and state relevant to the progress of a design optimization, and you will access most :obj:`meep_adjoint` functionality via its class methods. 2) *Interactive single-point calculations* Before launching a full-blown iterative optimization run that could run for hours or days, you will probably want to run some sanity-check calculations involving your geometry. These include...**(section incomplete)** 3) *Full iterative optimization*: Launch your optimization run and monitor its progress via graphical or other indicators. ==================================== How is the documentation structured? ==================================== .. _TableOfContents: =================================== Table of Contents =================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Documentation Home self .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Overview and Invitation Overview Tutorial Example Gallery .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Reference Installation General reference Visualization Module Configuration and customization Test suite .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Implementation notes Implementation I: Physics and math Implementation II: Class hierarchy .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: API Reference High-level (public) API Low-level (internal) API ================== Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` ..###################################################################### ..###################################################################### ..###################################################################### .. _numerical optimization algorithms: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Optimization_algorithms_and_methods .. _mode-expansion coefficient: https://meep.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Mode_Decomposition/ .. _myriad available gradient-based optimization algorithms: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Optimization_algorithms_and_methods .. _Simulation: https://meep.readthedocs.io/en/latest .. [#] For example, one obvious test of the correctness of :obj:`meep_adjoint` is to estimate objective-function derivatives by numerical finite-differencing and compare to components of the adjoint-method gradient. This is the basis of one of the tests in the :obj:`meep_adjoint` unit-test suite, and also of the :doc:`holey waveguide ` example in the :doc:`example gallery.` .. |meep| raw:: html meep .. |mpadj| raw:: html meep_adjoint