Mie scattering in buff-em

In this example we use buff-scatter to solve the canonical textbook problem of Mie scattering---the scattering of a plane wave from a dielectric sphere. The files for this example are in the share/buff-em/examples/MieScattering subdirectory of the buff-em source distribution.

gmsh geometry file and volume mesh for a single sphere

We begin by creating a gmsh geometry file for a sphere: (Sphere.geo). (Note that, because we will be producing a volume mesh instead of a surface mesh, the gmsh geometry file is not quite the same as the file Sphere.geo that we used to generate surface meshes for Mie scattering in scuff-em.

We turn this geometry file into coarser and finer volume meshes by running the following commands:

 % gmsh -3 -clscale 1.0  Sphere.geo
 % RenameMesh3D Sphere.msh

 % gmsh -3 -clscale 0.65 Sphere.geo
 % RenameMesh3D Sphere.msh

Here the -3 option to gmsh says we want a 3D (volume) mesh (as opposed to -2 for a 2D (surface) mesh. The -clscale option sets an overall multiplicative prefactor that scales the fineness of the meshing.

Also, the bash script RenameMesh3D is a little utility that calls buff-analyze to count the number of interior tetrahedon faces in the mesh (equal to the number of SWG basis functions, and thus the dimension of the VIE matrix) and rename the meshfile to reflect this information. The script also changes the file extension from .msh to .vmsh to remind me that this is a volume mesh instead of a surface mesh.

Thus the above steps produce files named Sphere_677.vmsh and Sphere_1675.vmsh. You can open these files in gmsh to see what they look like:

Sphere_677 mesh image

Sphere_1675 mesh image

Of course, from these pictures we can't tell that we are working with volume meshes instead of surface meshes. To see the outlines of the tetrahedra, turn off the "Surface faces" display in the gmsh "Mesh" options tab:

Sphere_1675 mesh image

buff-em geometry file for a single sphere

Next we create a buff-em geometry file that will tell buff-scatter about our geometry, including both the volume mesh and the material properties (dielectric function) of the sphere. As a first example, we'll use a dielectric model for silicon carbide that expresses the relative permittivity as a rational function of ; in this case we'll call the geometry file SiCSphere_677.buffgeo.

MATERIAL SiliconCarbide

   EpsInf = 6.7;
   a0     = -3.32377e28;
   a1     = +8.93329e11;
   b0     = -2.21677e28;
   b1     = 8.93329e11;
   Eps(w) = EpsInf * (a0 + i*a1*w + w*w) / ( b0 + i*b1*w + w*w);


OBJECT TheSphere
        MESHFILE Sphere_677.vmsh
        MATERIAL SiliconCarbide

(Note that, because this particular example involves an isotropic and homogeneous (spatially constant) dielectric function, we can simply use the MATERIAL keyword to specify a scuff-em material property definition, just as we would in a scuff-em geometry file. To specify anisotropic and/or inhomogeneous materials in buff-em, we would instead use the SVTensor keyword, as documented on the page Spatially-varying permittivity tensors in buff-em. We will see an example of a SVTensor specification later in this tutorial example.)

Defining frequencies at which to run computations

Next, we create a simple file called OmegaFile containing a list of angular frequencies at which to run the scattering problem:


(We pause to note one subtlety here: As in scuff-em, angular frequencies specified using the --Omega or --OmegaFile arguments are interpreted in units of m = rad/sec. These are natural frequency units to use for problems involving micron-sized objects; in particular, for Mie scattering from a sphere of radius 1 μm, as we are considering here, the numerical value of Omega is just the quantity (wavenumber times radius) known as the "size parameter" in the Mie scattering literature. In contrast, when specifying functions of angular frequency like Eps(w) in MATERIAL...ENDMATERIAL sections of geometry files or in any other buff-em material description, the w variable is always interpreted in units of 1 rad/sec, because these are the units in which tabulated material properties and functional forms for model dielectric functions are typically expressed.)

Running the sphere computation

Finally, we'll create a little text file called Args that will contain a list of command-line options for buff-scatter; these will include (1) a specification of the geometry, (2) the frequency list, (3) the name of an output file for the power, force, and torque, and (4) a specification of the incident field, which in this case is a linearly polarized z-traveling plane wave with E-field pointing in the x direction:

    geometry SiCSphere_677.buffgeo
    PFTFile SiCSphere.PFT
    OmegaFile OmegaFile
    pwDirection 0 0 1
    pwPolarization 1 0 0

And now we just pipe this little file into the standard input of buff-scatter:

    % buff-scatter < Args 

This produces the file SiCSphere_677.PFT, which contains one line per simulated frequency; each line contains data on the scattered and total power, the force, and the torque on the particle at that frequency. (Look at the first few lines of the file for a text description of how to interpret it.)

Here's a comparison of the buff-scatter results with the analytical Mie series, as computed using this Mathematica script. [Like most Mie codes, this script computes the absorption and scattering cross-sections, which we multiply by the incoming beam flux ( for a unit-strength plane wave in vacuum) to get values for the absorbed and scattered power.]

Silicon carbide data plot

A note on computation time

As discussed here, the first calculation done by buff-em on any given geometry will be significantly slower than all subsequent calculations (including the 2nd and subsequent frequencies in the OmegaFile, as well as any subsequent buff-scatter or buff-neq runs you may do using the same object mesh, even if you change the material properties). The reason for this is that, when buff-em first assembles the self-interaction block of the system matrix for a given object, it stores the most time-intensive portions of the calculation for later reuse. (The data are stored in memory for reuse within the same run, and are also written to disk in the form of a binary cache file for reuse in later runs).

For the particular calculation described here, you can accelerate this process by downloading the (13 megabyte) cache file for the Sphere_677.vmsh from this link: Sphere_677.cache. Put this file into your working directory when you run buff-scatter, and the calculation will proceed much more quickly.

For example, on my (fairly fast) laptop, computing the cache file takes 12 minutes, after which computing the PFT at each individual frequency takes about 20 seconds.

You can monitor the progress of the calculation by following the buff-scatter.log file. Note that, during computationally-intensive operations such as the VIE matrix assembly, the code should be using all available CPU cores on your workstation; if you find that this is not the case (for example, by monitoring CPU usage using htop) you may need to reconfigure and recompile with different openmp configuration options.