""" Handling of adjoint-related configuration options.
This file exports two routines:
get_adjoint_option() to lookup the value of an option
set_default_adjoint_options() to override default option values
Internally, option settings are maintained by a module-wide instance of
'OptionAlmanac' (generic class for option handling defined in util.py),
which is lazily initialized on the first call to get_adjoint_options().
import numpy as np
from .option_almanac import OptionTemplate, OptionAlmanac
from itertools import chain
_adjoint_options = None
""" module-wide database of adjoint-related options, referenced only in this file"""
def _init_adjoint_options(custom_defaults={}, search_env=True):
"""internal routine for just-in-time options processing"""
global _adjoint_options
_adjoint_options = OptionAlmanac(option_templates,
[docs]def set_adjoint_option_defaults(custom_defaults={}, search_env=True):
Routine intended to be called by meep_adjoint API scripts to set
problem-specific option defaults.
custom_defaults: dict of {option:new_default_value} records
search_env: True/False to enable/disable scanning environment variables
for option settings
_init_adjoint_options(custom_defaults=custom_defaults, search_env=search_env)
[docs]def get_adjoint_option(option, overrides={}):
"""Return currently configured value of option.
option (str): name of option
overrides (dict): {option:value} records to override current settings
Value of option if found in database, or None otherwise
global _adjoint_options
if _adjoint_options is None:
return _adjoint_options(option, overrides=overrides)
def set_adjoint_options(options):
# The rest of the file just defines the available options. (The
# separation into categories is for documentation purposes only.)
#- options affecting FDTD geometries/calculations
option_categories['Options affecting FDTD geometries/computation'] = [
OptionTemplate('res', 20.0, 'Yee grid resolution'),
OptionTemplate('fcen', 0.0, 'source center frequency'),
OptionTemplate('df', 0.0, 'source frequency width'),
OptionTemplate('source_component', 'Ez', 'forward source component (str)'),
OptionTemplate('source_mode', 1, 'forward source eigenmode index'),
OptionTemplate('nfreq', 1, 'number of DFT frequencies'),
OptionTemplate('dpml', -1.0, 'PML width (-1 --> auto-select)'),
OptionTemplate('dair', -1.0, 'gap width between material bodies and PMLs (-1 --> auto-select)'),
OptionTemplate('eps_design', '1.0', 'function of (x,y,z) giving initial design permittivity'),
OptionTemplate('dft_reltol', 1.0e-6, 'convergence tolerance for terminating timestepping'),
OptionTemplate('dft_timeout', 10.0, 'max runtime in units of last_source_time'),
OptionTemplate('dft_interval', 0.25, 'meep time between DFT convergence checks in units of last_source_time'),
OptionTemplate('complex_fields', False, 'use complex fields in forward calculation'),
OptionTemplate('reuse_simulation',False, 'reuse (do not reallocate) simulation data structure')
#- options affecting basis-set expansions
option_categories['Options affecting basis-set expansions'] = [
OptionTemplate('beta_min', 0.0, 'lower bound on basis expansion coefficient'),
OptionTemplate('beta_max', np.inf, 'upper bound on basis expansion coefficient'),
OptionTemplate('element_type', 'CG 1', 'finite-element family and degree'),
OptionTemplate('element_length', 0.0, 'finite-element discretization length')
#- options affecting gradient-descent optimizer
option_categories['Options affecting gradient-duhscent optimizer'] = [
OptionTemplate('alpha', 1.0, 'initial value of alpha (update relaxation parameter)'),
OptionTemplate('alpha_min', 1.0e-3, 'minimum value of alpha'),
OptionTemplate('alpha_max', 10.0, 'maximum value of alpha'),
OptionTemplate('boldness', 1.25, 'sometimes you just gotta live a little (explain me)'),
OptionTemplate('timidity', 0.75, 'can\'t be too cautious in this dangerous world (explain me)'),
OptionTemplate('max_iters', 100, 'max number of optimization iterations'),
# output files, logging, console, visualization, dashboard
option_categories['Options affecting console/file/GUI output'] = [
OptionTemplate('filebase', '', 'base name of output files'),
OptionTemplate('silence_meep', True, 'suppress MEEP console messages when timestepping'),
OptionTemplate('loglevel', 'info', "['info'|'debug']"),
OptionTemplate('visualization', 'auto', "['on'|'off'|'auto'] to enable/disable/automate graphical visualization"),
OptionTemplate('termcolors', True, "output colorized terminal text"),
OptionTemplate('dashboard', 'auto', "['on'|'off'|'auto'] to enable/disable/automate GUI dashboard"),
OptionTemplate('dashboard_size', 0.5, 'GUI dashboard size relative to screen size'),
OptionTemplate('dashboard_position', 'top right', 'GUI dashboard position'),
OptionTemplate('dashboard_font_family', 'Fantasque Sans Mono', 'GUI dashboard font family'),
OptionTemplate('dashboard_font_scale', 1.0, 'GUI dashboard font scale factor'),
OptionTemplate('dashboard_on_top', True, 'GUI dashboard stays on top of other windows'),
OptionTemplate('dashboard_cpu_interval', 2000, 'GUI dashboard CPU usage update interval (ms)'),
OptionTemplate('dashboard_host', 'localhost', 'GUI dashboard server hostname'),
OptionTemplate('dashboard_port', 37673, 'GUI dashboard server port'),
OptionTemplate('dashboard_loglevel', 'info', "'info' | 'debug'")
option_templates = list(chain.from_iterable( [templates for (description,templates) in option_categories.items()] ))