"""Implementation of TimeStepper class."""
import os
import sys
import psutil
import time
import numpy as np
import meep as mp
import warnings
from datetime import datetime as dt2
from . import (ObjectiveFunction, Basis, v3, V3, E_CPTS, log, update_dashboard)
from . import get_adjoint_option as adj_opt
from .console_manager import CODEWORD as CONSOLE_CODEWORD
from .console_manager import termsty
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# step function to update GUI dashboard progress bar
mt0, wt0, wtdb, wtcpu = 0, 0, 0, 0
update_interval, cpu_interval, proc = 1, 2, psutil.Process(os.getpid())
def dashboard_sf(sim):
"""Provisional implementation of step function to update GUI dashboard."""
global mt0, wt0, wtdb, wtcpu, update_interval, cpu_interval, proc
mt, wt = sim.round_time(), time.time()
if mt>mt0 and (wt-wtdb)>=update_interval:
updates = ['progress {}'.format(int(mt)),
'ms_per_timestep {}'.format(1000.0*(wt-wt0)/(mt-mt0))]
if (wt-wtcpu) > cpu_interval:
wtcpu = wt
updates += ['cpu_usage {:.1f}'.format(proc.cpu_percent())]
mt0, wt0, wtdb = mt, wt, wt
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[docs]class TimeStepper(object):
Abstraction of low-level FDTD engine.
TimeStepper is a class that knows how to invoke an FDTD solver
to execute a time-domain calculation to obtain frequency-domain
(DFT) field components in objective regions, from which may be
computed (a) the values of objective quantities and objective functions,
or (b) permittivity derivatives of the objective function, from which
may be computed the objective-function gradient.
This class lies between the top-level `OptimizationProblem` session-manager class
and lower-level classes like `ObjectiveFunction`. It exports a single method
(``__call__``) which prepares and executes one complete FDTD timestepping run to
compute frequency-domain fields, returning numerical quantities of interest
computed from these fields. ``__call__`` accepts one `str`-valued argument `job`,
for which the recognized values are `forward` or `adjoint`. For `job`==`forward`, the
excitation sources for the FDTD problem are the user-defined sources passed to the
`OptimizationProblem` constructor and the result of the calculation is the
objective-function value (plus the values of any additional requested objective quantities).
For `job`==`adjoint`, the excitation sources are automatically determined internally
and the result of the calculation is the objective-function gradient.
`TimeStepper` automatically determines when to terminate a timestepping run by
monitoring the numerical convergence of the output quantities. The details of this process
may be customized using configuration options. `TimeStepper` does not itself know how
to evaluate its output quantities, but rather outsources these calculations to public
methods of `ObjectiveFunction` and other low-level classes.
Populate the FDTD grid with an appropriate source distribution, initialize DFT cells for
tabulating frequency-domain fields, then execute FDTD timestepping until the output quantities
converges and return those quantities.
def __init__(self, obj_func, dft_cells, basis, sim, fwd_sources):
obj_func : ObjectiveFunction
The function whose value or gradient we compute (copied from OptimizationProblem)
dft_cells : list of `DFTCell`"
List of `DFTCell` structures, assumed to be ordered with objective cells *first* and the
design cell *last* (so any `extra` cells are in the interior of the list).
basis : Basis
Function space (copied from OptimizationProblem).
Logically this is not a necessary input for this calculation---it is used only in a
post-processing step to compute the objective-function gradient by projecting df/dEps
onto the function space. It might make more sense to define the output of TimeStepper
to be the raw df/dEps matrix, with the projection step done at a higher level, in which
case this parameter could be omitted. But then the convergence of the adjoint timestepping
run would have to consider the full raw df/dEps matrix instead of the lower-dimensional
gradient vector.
sim : `meep.Simulation`
Simulation object, copied from OptimizationProblem.
fwd_sources : list of `meep.Source`
User-specified sources for the forward calculation.
self.obj_func = obj_func
self.dft_cells = dft_cells
self.design_cell = dft_cells[-1]
self.basis = basis
self.sim = sim
self.fwd_sources = fwd_sources
self.dfdEps = None
self.state = 'reset'
def __update__(self, job):
Recompute output quantities using most recent values of frequency-domain fields.
This is an internal helper method for run() that computes
the objective function value (forward run) or gradient (adjoint run)
using the latest values of the frequency-domain fields
stored in the DFT cells. During timestepping it is called
every check_interval units of MEEP time once the excitation
sources have died down.
job : str
'forward' or 'adjoint'
** If job==`forward`: **
fq: numpy array of length N+1 storing values of the objective
function and the N objective quantities [F, Q0, Q1, ... QN]
** If job==`adjoint`: **
df: numpy array of length `basis.dim` storing components of the
objective-function gradient
if job=='forward':
retvals = self.obj_func(self.dft_cells)
log(' ** {:10s}={:.5f} ** '.format('t',self.sim.round_time()))
for n,v in zip(['f'] + self.obj_func.qnames, retvals):
log(' ** {:10s}={:+.5e} '.format(n,v))
else: # job=='adjoint'
EH_fwd = self.design_cell.get_EH_slices(label='forward')
EH_adj = self.design_cell.get_EH_slices()
self.dfdEps = np.zeros(self.design_cell.grid.shape)
for n in [ n for (n,c) in enumerate(self.design_cell.components) if c in E_CPTS]:
self.dfdEps += np.real( EH_fwd[n]*EH_adj[n] )
retvals = self.basis.project(self.dfdEps, grid=self.design_cell.grid, differential=True)
return retvals
# main timestepper routine that keeps going until the
# relevant output quantity has converged
[docs] def run(self, job):
"""Execute a forward or adjoint FDTD timestepping run and return results.
job: str
'forward' or 'adjoint'
last_source_time = self.fwd_sources[0].src.swigobj.last_time()
max_time = adj_opt('dft_timeout')*last_source_time
check_interval = adj_opt('dft_interval')*last_source_time
reltol = adj_opt('dft_reltol')
# configure real-time animations of evolving time-domain fields
# step_funcs = []
# clist = adjoint_adj_opt('animate_components')
# if clist is not None:
# ivl=adjoint_adj_opt('animate_interval')
# ivl=0.5
# step_funcs = [ AFEClient(self.sim, clist, interval=ivl) ]
# phase 1: timestepping without interruption until the sources are extinguished
prefix = CONSOLE_CODEWORD if adj_opt('silence_meep') else ''
log("Beginning {} timestepping run...".format(job))
update_dashboard(['run {}'.format(job)])
global mt0, wt0, wtdb, wtcpu, proc
dummy = proc.cpu_percent()
stage, mta, mtb = 'SOURCES', 0, last_source_time
update_dashboard(['stage {}'.format(stage),
'progress range {} {}'.format(int(mta),int(mtb))])
log('stepping from {} to {}'.format(mta,mtb))
# sys.stdout.write(prefix + '**stepping from {} to {}\n'.format(mta,mtb))
sys.stdout.write(prefix + termsty(job,'1') + ' ' \
+ termsty(stage,'2') + ' ' \
+ termsty('{:5.1f} -> t -> {:5.1f}'.format(mta,mtb),'3'))
mt0, wt0 = mta, time.time()
wtdb, wtcpu, dt = wt0, wt0, (mtb-mta)/100.0
self.sim.run(mp.at_every(dt, dashboard_sf), until=mtb)
vals = self.__update__(job)
# now continue timestepping with intermittent convergence checks until
# we converge or timeout
stage, max_rel_delta = 0, 1.0e9
while max_rel_delta>reltol and self.sim.round_time() < max_time:
#check_time = self.sim.round_time() + check_interval
#self.sim.run(*step_funcs, until = min(check_time, max_time))
mta, mtb, stage = mtb, min(mtb + check_interval, max_time), stage+1
update_dashboard(['stage conv {}'.format(stage),
'progress range {} {}'.format(int(mta),int(mtb))])
log('stepping from {} to {}'.format(mta,mtb))
# sys.stdout.write(prefix + '**stepping from {} to {}\n'.format(mta,mtb))
sys.stdout.write(prefix + termsty(job,'1') \
+ ' ' + termsty('CONV {:<2d}'.format(stage),'2') \
+ ' ' + termsty('[{:5.1f} -> t -> {:5.1f}]'.format(mta,mtb),'3') \
+ ' ' + termsty('delta {:.2e}'.format(max_rel_delta),'4'))
mt0, wt0 = mta, time.time()
wtdb, wtcpu, dt = wt0, wt0, (mtb-mta)/100.0
self.sim.run(mp.at_every(dt, dashboard_sf), until=mtb)
last_vals, vals = vals, self.__update__(job)
rel_delta = np.array( [rel_diff(v,lv) for v,lv in zip(vals,last_vals)] )
max_rel_delta = np.amax(rel_delta)
log(' ** t={} MRD={} ** '.format(self.sim.round_time(), max_rel_delta))
# for forward runs we save the converged DFT fields for later use
if job=='forward':
[ cell.save_fields('forward') for cell in self.dft_cells ]
update_dashboard(['current {:.2f}'.format(np.real(vals[0]))])
self.state = job + '.complete'
return vals
[docs] def prepare(self, job='forward'):
""" Prepare simulation for timestepping by adding sources and DFT cells.
job (str): The type of timestepping run to prepare:
1. If job=='forward', prepare forward run to compute objective function value.
2. If job=='adjoint', prepare adjoint run to compute objective function gradient.
3. If job is the name of an objective quantity, prepare adjoint run to compute
the gradient of that quantity.
target_state = job + '.prepared'
if self.state == target_state: return
# get lists of sources and DFT cells to register
if job=='forward':
sources = self.fwd_sources
cells = self.dft_cells # for forward runs we must tabulate DFT fields in all DFT cells...
cmplx = adj_opt('complex_fields')
elif job=='adjoint' or job in self.obj_func.qnames:
sources = self.get_adjoint_sources ( qname = job )
cells = [self.design_cell] # ...for adjoint runs we only need DFT fields in the design region
cmplx = True
raise ValueError('unknown job {} in TimeStepper.prepare'.format(job))
# place sources, register cells, initialize fields
reuse_simulation = False
if adj_opt('reuse_simulation'):
cell_size, geometry = self.sim.cell_size, self.sim.geometry
self.sim = mp.Simulation(resolution=self.sim.resolution,
self.force_complex_fields = cmplx
for cell in cells:
self.state = target_state
[docs] def get_adjoint_sources(self, qname=None):
Construct adjoint source distribution.
Return a list of mp.Source structures describing the distribution of sources
appropriate for adjoint-method evaluation of the objective-function gradient
The optional parameter qname may be set to the name of an objective quantity Q,
in which case we instead compute dQ/deps.
# extract the temporal envelope of the forward sources and use it to
# set the overall amplitude prefactor for the adjoint sources
envelope = self.fwd_sources[0].src
freq = envelope.frequency
omega = 2.0*np.pi*freq
factor = 2.0j*omega
if callable(getattr(envelope, "fourier_transform", None)):
factor /= envelope.fourier_transform(freq)
# make a list of (qrule, qweight) pairs for all objective quantities
# that contribute with nonzero weight to the derivative in question
if qname is None or qname=='adjoint':
dfdq = self.obj_func.get_dfdq()
iwlist = [ (i,w) for i,w in enumerate(dfdq) if w is not 0.0 ]
elif qname in self.obj_func.qnames:
iwlist = [ (self.obj_func.qnames.index(qname), 1.0) ]
warnings.warn('unknown objective quantity {} in get_adjoint_sources (skipping)'.format(qname))
return []
rwlist = [ (self.obj_func.qrules[i], w) for (i,w) in iwlist if w!=0.0 ]
# loop over all contributing objective quantities
sources = []
for (qrule, qweight) in rwlist:
code, mode, cell = qrule.code, qrule.mode, self.dft_cells[qrule.ncell]
EH = cell.get_eigenmode_slices(mode) if mode>0 else cell.get_EH_slices('forward')
shape = [ len(tics) for tics in [cell.grid.xtics, cell.grid.ytics, cell.grid.ztics] ]
if code in 'PM':
sign = 1.0 if code=='P' else -1.0
signs = [ +1.0, -1.0, +1.0*sign, -1.0*sign ]
sources += [ mp.Source(envelope, cell.components[3-nc],
V3(cell.region.center), V3(cell.region.size),
) for nc in range(len(cell.components))
return sources
def rel_diff(a,b):
"""Return value in range [0,2] quantifying error relative to magnitude."""
diff, scale = np.abs(a-b), np.amax([np.abs(a),np.abs(b)])
return 2. if np.isinf(scale) else 0. if scale==0. else diff/scale