Source code for meep_adjoint.visualization_options

""" Handling of visualization-related configuration options."""

import warnings
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np

from .option_almanac import OptionTemplate, OptionAlmanac

""" module-wide dict of { section_name : section_almanac } records """
_visualization_sections = {}

RCFILE = 'meep_visualization.rc'

# internal routines
def _init_visualization_options(custom_defaults={}, search_env=True):
    """internal routine for just-in-time options processing"""

    def _sectopts(s): return _init_section_options(s, custom_defaults, search_env)

    global _visualization_sections
    _visualization_sections = { s : _sectopts(s) for s in section_names }

def _init_section_options(section, custom_defaults, search_env):
    custom_section_defaults = dict( section_defaults.get(section,{}) )
    return OptionAlmanac(sectioned_templates,
                         section=section, filename=RCFILE, search_env=search_env,
                         prepend_section = (section != 'default'))

def _subdict(fulldict, section, strip=True):
    """returns a dict containing all items in fulldict whose key begins with 'section_'.
       if strip==True, the 'section_' prefix is removed from keys in the returned dict.
    prefix, n = '{}_'.format(section) , (0 if not strip else len(section) + 1)
    return { k[n:]:v for (k,v) in fulldict.items() if k.startswith(prefix) }

# exported routines
[docs]def set_visualization_option_defaults(custom_defaults={}, search_env=True): """ Args: custom_defaults: dict of {option:new_default_value} records search_env: True/False to enable/disable scanning environment variables for option settings """ _init_visualization_options(custom_defaults=custom_defaults, search_env=search_env)
[docs]def get_visualization_options(opts, section='default', overrides={}): """Return currently configured values of options. Args: opts (list of str): names of options for which we want values section (str): name of section overrides (dict): {option:value} records to override current settings Returns: List of option values. """ global _visualization_sections if _visualization_sections == {}: _init_visualization_options() almanac = _visualization_sections.get(section, None) if almanac is None: warn('unknown options section {} (skipping)'.format(section)) return None for opt in [o.lower() for o in opts if o.lower() not in sectioned_opts]: if np.any( [ opt.startswith(sect + '_') for sect in section_names] ): warnings.warn('Option \'{}\': section-prefix semantics not available in get_visualization_options;'.format(opt)) warnings.warn('use the \'section\' parameter instead') else: warnings.warn("unrecognized option {}; something has probably gone wrong".format(opt)) _overrides = overrides if section=='default' else _subdict(overrides,section) return [ almanac(opt, overrides=_overrides) for opt in opts ]
[docs]def get_visualization_option(option, section='default', overrides={}): """ Singleton version of the above routine that also allows an alternative calling convention for convenience: the section label may be prepended to the name of the option instead of specified separately. Thus, the following two sets of parameter values are equivalent: option='linewidth', section='pml' option='pml_linewidth' section='default' (or section left unspecified) """ if section=='default' and '_' in option: prefix = option.split('_')[0].lower() if prefix in section_names: section, option = prefix, option[1+len(prefix) : ] return get_visualization_options([option],section,overrides)[0]
###################################################################### # Definitions of options and section-specific default values ##################################################################### """ templates for sectioned visualization options """ sectioned_templates = [ OptionTemplate('cmap', 'plasma', 'default colormap'), OptionTemplate('alpha', 1.0, 'default transparency'), OptionTemplate('fontsize', 25, 'font size for labels and titles'), OptionTemplate('shading', 'gouraud', 'shading style'), OptionTemplate('interp', 'gaussian', 'interpolation method'), OptionTemplate('method', 'contourf', 'contourf | imshow |pcolormesh'), OptionTemplate('contours', 100, 'number of contours'), OptionTemplate('linecolor', '#ff0000', 'default line color'), OptionTemplate('linewidth', 4.0, 'default line width'), OptionTemplate('linestyle', '-', 'default line style'), OptionTemplate('fillcolor', '#ffffff', 'default fill color'), OptionTemplate('cmin', np.NINF, 'colormap minimum'), OptionTemplate('cmax', np.PINF, 'colormap maximum'), OptionTemplate('zmin', 0.6, ''), OptionTemplate('zmax', 0.8, ''), OptionTemplate('cb_pad', 0.04, 'colorbar padding'), OptionTemplate('cb_shrink', 0.60, 'colorbar shrink factor'), OptionTemplate('latex', True, 'LaTeX text formatting'), OptionTemplate('show', True, 'display plots on screen'), ] """base option names, to which we prepend a prefix like 'eps_' to get section-specific options""" sectioned_opts = [ for t in sectioned_templates ] """ section-specific overrides of default option values """ section_defaults = { 'default': {}, #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # permittivity: blue-scale colormap, no boundary edges #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'eps': { 'cmap': 'Blues', 'linewidth': 0.0 }, #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # pml regions: light grey semitransparent filling, no boundary edges #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'pml': { 'linewidth': 0.0, 'fillcolor': '#CCCCCC', 'alpha': 0.50, }, #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # source regions: cyan lines, no labels #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'src_region': { 'linecolor': '#00ffff', 'fontsize': 0 }, #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # flux regions: magenta line, with labels #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'flux_region': { 'linecolor': '#ff00ff', }, #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'fields' regions: boundaries indicated by semitransparent dashed # green lines, interiors not filled in, no labels #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'fields_region': { 'linewidth': 2.0, 'linecolor': '#00ff00', 'linestyle': '--', 'fillcolor': 'None', 'alpha': 0.5, 'fontsize': 0 }, #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # flux data: #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'flux_data': { 'linecolor': '#ff00ff', 'linewidth':4.0 }, #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'fields' data #---------------------------------------------------------------------- 'fields_data': { 'linewidth': 0.0, 'alpha': 0.5, 'method': 'contourf', 'zmin': 0.4, 'zmax': 0.6 }, #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # finite-element meshes: red lines, thickness 1.0 (set linewidth=0 to # disable mesh plot) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 'mesh': { 'linecolor': '#ff0000', 'linewidth': 1.0 } } section_names = [ s for s in section_defaults ] other_templates = [ OptionTemplate('backend', 'wx', 'matplotlib backend') ]