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Computing T-Matrices of arbitrary objects with scuff-tmatrix

The well-known T-matrix method is a widely used technique for solving problems involving electromagnetic scattering from compact objects. In this method, the scattering properties of a compact body are encapsulated in its T-matrix, whose entries give the amplitudes of the outgoing spherical waves that arise from irradiating the object with a single regular spherical wave.

scuff-tmatrix is a specialized tool within the scuff-em code suite for computing the T-matrix of arbitrarily-shaped objects with arbitrary frequency-dependent material properties.

To compute the T-matrix of an object (or a collection of objects) using scuff-tmatrix, you will

  1. create a geometry file describing the shapes and material properties of the scattering objects in your geometry;

  2. run scuff-tmatrix with command-line options specifying the geometry, the maximum spherical-wave index of the spherical waves to consider (which determines the dimension of the computed T-matrix), and the frequency range over which to run computations.

You will get back

  1. a text file listing the T-matrix elements , at all frequencies you requested, for all pairs of vector-spherical-wave indices satisfying

  2. optionally, a binary .HDF5 file containing the T-matrix data together with simple scripts for importing the data into julia.

1. scuff-tmatrix Command-Line Options

The following table summarizes all command-line options currently available in scuff-tmatrix.

As is true for all programs in the scuff-em suite, command-line options may be specified in a text file catted to standard input; see here for an example of how this works.

Options controlling the scattering geometry

--geometry MyGeometry.scuffgeo

Specifies the geometry file describing the scattering geometry. This option is always mandatory.

Options specifying the frequencies considered

--Omega xx 

--OmegaFile MyFile

--Omega specifies an angular frequency at which to run computations, in units of rad/sec (m).

The value specified for --Omega may be a complex number.

You may request computations at more than one frequency by using the --Omega option more than once, i.e. you may say

--Omega 1e-2 --Omega 1e-1 --Omega 1 --Omega 10

However, for more than a few frequencies it is more convenient to use the --OmegaFile option, which specifies a file containing an entire list of --Omega values, one per line; blank lines and comments (lines beginning with #) are skipped.

Option describing the range of spherical-wave indices

--lMax 3

Request calculation of T-matrix entries with spherical wave indices up to and including (and all -values and polarizations). As described below, for a maximum -value of the -matrix has dimension where .

If you do not specify this option, the default value is lMax=3.

Options controlling output files

--FileBase MyFileBase

Sets the base file name for output files. T-matrix data in text format are written to FileBase.TMatrix. T-matrix data in binary (HDF5) format are written to FileBase_wXXXX.HDF5 where XXXX denotes the angular frequency.

If not specified, --FileBase defaults to the base filename of the .scuffgeo file.


This boolean flag requests that binary T-matrix data be written to HDF5 files. A separate HDF5 file is created for each frequency, with file name FileBase_wXXXX.HDF5 where XXXX denotes the angular frequency. T matrix data are written in the form of a real-valued matrix (data set) named T with dimension ; for columns and give the real and imaginary parts of the -matrix entry for column . Here is the total number of vector spherical waves with (T-matrix rows and columns are indexed as shown in this table.)

Note that, in contrast to text-based output, binary data output is disabled by default; you must specify this option to enable binary data output.

2. scuff-tmatrix Output Files

1. T-matrix data in text form

scuff-tmatrix always writes T-matrix data to a text-based output file named FileBase.TMatrix, where FileBase is the value you gave for the --FileBase command-line parameter. (If you didn't set this option, FileBase defaults to MyGeometry where MyGeometry.scuffgeo was the name of the file you specified with the --geometry option.)

Each line of the text-based output file contains a single T-matrix element at a single frequency. The format of each line is this:

Omega A La Ma Pa B Lb Mb Pb real(T) imag (T)

The tuple(A,La,Ma,Pa) labels the spherical wave that constitutes the row index for the T-matrix entry. (Here (La,Ma)= are the usual spherical-wave indices, Pa= is a polarization index (0 or 1 for and -type vector spherical waves respectively) and A= is an integer in the range that uniquely indexes the spherical wave. (See the table below).

The tuple(B,Lb,Mb,Pb) labels the spherical wave that constitutes the column index for the T-matrix entry.

The final two entries on the line are the real and imaginary parts of the T-matrix entry for the given pair of spherical waves at the given frequency.

Physically, the T-matrix element with row index and column index is the amplitude of the outgoing spherical wave with indices that results from illuminating your object with a regular spherical wave with indices .

See below for a simple shell script you can use to extract a particular T-matrix entry vs. frequency from the .TMatrix file.

Also see below for a julia code that you can use to import T-matrix data into a julia session.

2. T-matrix data in binary form

If you specify the --WriteHDF5Files command-line argument, then T-matrix data will be written in binary HDF5 format to files named FileBase_wXXXX.HDF5 where XXXX stands for the angular frequency .

Ordering and indexing of spherical waves

For a fixed single value of there are spherical waves: pairs of spherical-wave indices times 2 polarizations (\mathbf{M},\mathbf{N}). The total number of distinct spherical waves with is . This is the dimension of the matrix computed at each frequency. (Note that I exclude waves from my indexing scheme entirely.)

The rows and columns of the -matrix are indexed by integers running from to . Spherical waves are ordered and indexed as follows:

The integer index for a given triple may be computed according to

3. scuff-tmatrix Examples

Here are some examples of calculations you can do with scuff-tmatrix. Input files and command-line runscripts for all these examples are included in the share/scuff-em/examples subdirectory of the scuff-em installation.

4a. Dielectric and magnetic spheres

We start with the canonical textbook stalwart of scattering from a homogeneous sphere of uniform isotropic relative permittivity and relative permeability

Analytical expressions for T-matrix elements

This is an example (indeed, the only example) of a dielectric object whose T-matrix may be computed analytically, making it a useful benchmark for our numerical computation; the -matrix is diagonal and independent of the spherical-wave index, with -dependent elements

where , are the usual spherical Bessel and Hankel functions and

Geometry and mesh files

The first step is to create meshed surfaces representing spheres discretized with various resolutions, then write scuff-em geometry files describing spheres of various material properties. This process is described in detail here. In this case we will use two gmsh mesh files for a sphere of radius :

  • Sphere_327.msh, a moderate-resolution mesh with 327 internal triangle edges, and

  • Sphere_1362.msh, a finer mesh with 1362 internal triangle edges.

For each meshing resolution I will create 3 .scuffgeo files describing spheres of different materials:

  • perfect metal (PEC),

  • homogeneous dielectric with , and

  • homogeneous dielectric/magnetic with .


        MESHFILE Sphere_327.msh


        MESHFILE Sphere_327.msh


        MESHFILE Sphere_327.msh

Frequency list

We create a simple file called OmegaFile containing a list of angular frequencies (in units of rad/sec) at which to compute T-matrices:


Run scuff-tmatrix

And now we launch scuff-tmatrix:

% scuff-tmatrix --geometry E10Sphere_327.scuffgeo --omegafile OmegaFile --lmax 3

This produces the file E10Sphere_327.TMatrix, which contains one T-matrix entry per line, with a file header at the top to remind you which is which:

## scuff-tmatrix run on hikari (11/06/17::01:34:31)
## columns:
## 1 omega
## 2,3,4,5 (alpha, {L,M,P}_alpha)   (T-matrix row index)
## 6,7,8,9 ( beta, {L,M,P}_beta)    (T-matrix columnindex)
## 10, 11  real, imag T_{alpha, beta}
0.1  0 1 -1 +0   0 1 -1 +0  -1.34273817e-07 +3.62883443e-04
0.1  0 1 -1 +0   1 1 -1 +1  +1.13651828e-09 -1.05703395e-06
3.25  2 1 +0 0   9 2 -1 1  +8.56628506e-05 +2.48397970e-04

As an example, the lowest line above is interpreted as follows: At angular frequency rad/sec, for the spherical-wave pair [where is a -type wave with and is an -type wave with , the -matrix element is

To assess the impact of meshing fineness, let's re-run the example with a finer mesh. We will use the sphere mesh with 1362 interior edges:

% scuff-tmatrix --geometry E10Sphere_1362.scuffgeo --omegafile OmegaValues.dat
This produces the file E10Sphere_1362.TMatrix, with file format similar to the above.

Here are plots of and , for both non-magnetic and magnetic spheres, as computed (1) by scuff-tmatrix, with both coarse and finer meshes, (2) using the exact analytical formulas above. (Here is the gnuplot script I used to generate the plots.)

T1N for Eps=10 sphere

T1M for Eps=10 sphere

T1N for Eps,Mu=10,5 sphere

T1M for Eps,Mu=10,5 sphere

4. Reading T-Matrix data into julia
