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Frequently asked questions about scuff-em


Length and frequency

Short answer: The default units are for length and rad/sec (= for angular frequency.

Thus, if you write a gmsh geometry (.geo) file describing a sphere of radius 1.3 and use the resulting surface mesh in a scuff-scatter calculation with an angular-frequency specification of --omega 2.0, then you will be studying a sphere of radius 1.3 microns at an angular frequency of rad/sec (corresponding to a free-space wavelength of m, which could alternatively be specified by saying --lambda 3.1415 instead of --omega 2.0). [The dimensionless quantity (the "size parameter" in Mie theory) is just the product of the numerical values specified for the radius and --omega, i.e. in this case.]

Longer answer: For a problem involving only bodies with frequency-independent material properties (permeability and permittivity ), including perfectly-conducting (PEC) bodies and frequency-independent dielectrics (such as CONST_EPS_10+1i), the scale invariance of Maxwell's equations means that the same computational results can be interpreted on different length scales. For example, if your mesh file describes a sphere of radius 0.9' and you runa [[scuff-em]] calculation at angular frequency1.2`, then the results can be equally well interpreted as describing

  • a sphere of radius 0.9 m at an angular frequency of rad/sec, or

  • a sphere of radius 0.9 mm at an angular frequency of rad/sec, or

  • a sphere of radius 0.9 nm at an angular frequency of rad/sec, etc. (Of course, the continuum

However, this scale invariance is broken by frequency-dependent dielectric functions (or frequency-dependent permeabilities) such as the SILICON material definition in this example. The convention adopted by scuff-em is that values in frequency-dependent material definitions are always interpreted in units of radians/second, not specialized units like . Thus, if your calculation involves a frequency-dependent material function (either a [user-defined function][UserDefined] or a [datafile][Tabulated]), then scuff-em will eventually need to convert the numerical values you specify for --Omega inputs into absolute angular frequencies. For this purpose, scuff-em generally makes the scale-breaking assumption that numerical --Omega values are given in units of rad/sec, corresponding to the default length scale of m. (The one exception to this rule is scuff-rf, which uses length and frequency units more appropriate for RF modeling; this is discussed in the scuff-rf documentation.)

Electric and magnetic field strengths

The only code in the scuff-em suite that directly outputs numerical values of electric and magnetic field components is scuff-scatter. For this code, there is always a user-specified incident field with a user-specified numerical field-strength parameter, and the units of electric-field components reported by scuff-scatter are understood simply to be the same as the units of the incident-field specifications. The units of magnetic-field components are the units of electric-field components divided by ohms (volts/amperes); thus, if E-field components have units of volts/micron then H-field components have units of amps/micron.

Thus, to run a scuff-scatter calculation to model the scattering of an incident plane wave of amplitude 1 volt/micron, use the command-line option --pwPolarization 0 0 1 and interpret the numbers reported for E-field (H-field) components in units of volts/micron (amps/micron). Alternatively, to describe the scattering of a plane wave of amplitude 1 volt/meter, use the same command-line options, but now interprety the output numbers in units of volts/meter (amps/meter).

Power, force, torque

The units in which numerical values of power, force, and torque are reported differ slightly for different codes in the scuff-em suite:

  • For scuff-scatter, and torque in

  • For scuff-cas3D,

    • equilibrium Casimir energies are reported in units of =0.1973 eV = 3.16\cdot 10^{-20}$ joules,

    • equilibrium Casimir forces are reported in units of =31.6 femtoNewtons

    • equilibrium Casimir torques are reported in units of =31.6 femtoNewtons× microns.

  • scuff-neq reports power in watts, force in nanoNewtons, torque in nanoNewtons×microns. (More specifically, what scuff-neq actually reports are fluxes of energy and momentum; these are quantities that need to be multiplied by energy prefactors and integrated over angular frequencies to yield heat-transfer rates, forces, and torques; this is discussed in more detail in the scuff-neq documentation.

Organizing working directories

  • I'm working on a big project involving multiple calculations on a geometry with various different values of geometric parameters, material properties, and meshing fineness. It's getting unwieldy to have all of these .geo and .msh and .scuffgeo files cluttering up my project directory. How would you suggest organizing things?

Here is what I typically do:

  • Within your top-level project directory (I'll call it ~/myProject/), create the following subdirectories:

    • ~/myProject/geoFiles (for gmsh geometry files)
    • ~/myProject/mshFiles (for surface mesh files)
    • ~/myProject/scuffgeoFiles (for scuff-em geometry files).
  • Before running any scuff-em calculations, set the environment variables SCUFF_GEO_PATH, SCUFF_MESH_PATH to the directories you created for .scuffgeo and .msh files:

% export SCUFF_GEO_PATH=~/myProject/scuffgeoFiles
% export SCUFF_MESH_PATH=~/myProject/mshFiles

(Or just include this line in any scripts you write to launch jobs; see below).

  • From the top-level project directory, create subdirectories for each separate run you plan to do. For example, to do separate runs for PEC and real gold, with coarse and fine resolutions in both cases, I might create four directories called PEC_Coarse, PEC_Fine, Gold_Coarse, and Gold_Fine.

  • Assuming you want to look at the same frequencies, evaluation points, incident fields, geometrical transformations, etc. in each case, put files like OmegaFile, EPFile, IFFile, and TransFile in the top-level directory (~/myProject/).

  • Within e.g. the PEC_Fine subdirectory, create a run script that explicitly specifies the locations in which it expects to find files, something like this:


export FILEBASE=${HOME}/myProject
export SCUFF_GEO_PATH=${FILEBASE}/scuffgeoFiles

ARGS="${ARGS} --geometry  PEC_Fine.scuffgeo"
ARGS="${ARGS} --OmegaFile ${FILEBASE}/OmegaFile"
ARGS="${ARGS} --EPFile    ${FILEBASE}/EPFile"
ARGS="${ARGS} --IFFile    ${FILEBASE}/IFFile"

scuff-scatter ${ARGS}
  • Now you can copy this run script to each new run directory and make only minor changes (i.e. specify different .scuffgeo) files to launch the new job.

  • When running multiple jobs simultaneously on a single multi-core workstation, I usually use the environment variables OMP_NUM_THREADS and GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY to specify an explicit divvying up of the available CPU cores so that the various jobs don't step on each others' toes. (The OS scheduler should be able to do this automatically, but I haven't had good luck with that.)

    For example, suppose I'm on a workstation that has 24 CPU cores, and I want to run 3 simultaneous scuff-em jobs. Then in the run scripts for the three jobs I will include the following lines:

export GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY="0-7"
for the first run script,

export GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY="8-15"

for the second run script, and

export GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY="16-23"
for the third run script. Once all three jobs are running, you can use htop or similar utilities to double check that each job is running on its own set of 8 cores and not interfering with the other jobs.

Compiling C++ API codes

  • I think I need to write a standalone program that uses the libscuff API to setup and solve a scattering problem. Where can I find a simple example of such a program to get me started?

A: Look in the directory share/scuff-em/examples/PlateWithHole within your scuff-em installation. There you will find a simple API code and a reference makefile (Makefile.manual) that you can customize for your system.

Automatic detection of equivalent edge pairs in highly structured meshes

  • Why is it best to use structured meshes (i.e. meshes containing many identical triangles) whenever possible?

A: Because scuff-em is equipped with functionality for automatic detection of equivalent edge pairs. This feature, available since scuff-em version 0.99 (June 2018), can yield enormous reductions---tenfold or more---in the cost of assembling the system matrix for geometries with highly structured meshes. (Further documentation of this new feature is coming!)
